archiveFebruary 2022


Which Entities are freed from having to set up an RRC?

An ordinance to improve the translucency of company possession and control structures, the Singapore Companies Act (CA) has been modified to compel all companies incorporated in Singapore (unless exempted) to conserve a Registered of Controllers from the date of 31 March 2017 onwards. The Register of Controllers is the Filing of Registrable Controller of...

Top 6 Perks to Offer Employees

Employee satisfaction is critical to a company’s success. As the lines between personal and work life are blurred, hiring and retaining top talents is challenging. Thus, employees are now leveraging their power for more employee benefits in Manhattan NY. Organizations need to pick up their game and focus on more than...

Everything you should know about cryptocurrency lending

Since its inception, the first cryptocurrency bitcoin has caused unprecedented excitement among those people looking for a way to make a lot of money in a short period. The traditional financial system, which used to seem unbreakable, was now undergoing a very serious change. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency assets were...

EPC and its windfalls

All companies in Singapore must be registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and run by the Companies Act, Chapter 50. While there are five various entities to select from, namely sole proprietorship, partnership, company, limited liability partnership, and limited partnership; the greatly common and uncertain choice is...


There are many ways to achieve growth in your portfolio. Below, we list down the most common and most effective ones that you can try if you want to see stellar growth in your portfolio. Buy and Hold Buying and then holding on to investments is arguably the simplest strategy...

A Quick Guide to Real Estate Taxes

All homeowners pay real estate taxes, also known as property taxes. These terms are used interchangeably; however, they aren't the same tax. Property tax is the amount of tax homeowners pay annually for their homes. Personal property tax is what you pay for movable items. Take a look at the...

Working From Home Insurance

Working from home means working from home at times. You'll need to have the proper coverage for your business while you're away from the office. Be sure to inform your insurance company that you're no longer physically at the office and that you'll no longer be using the company car...

What Are the Different Types of Business Loans That Exist Today?

  Whether you're establishing a startup company or you're looking to expand your existing small business, you'll need capital to invest in your future success.  This is where applying for one of the many different types of business loans can help. Tailoring your loan to your business ownership status and plan ensures that the loan terms...

E-commerce Business Advice for Christians

It's amazing to think of all the ways the internet has reshaped the world in which we live, especially the business world. Indeed, you can start an online business in under an hour and for less than a hundred bucks! Conversely, 90 percent of online businesses fail. However, people of...
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