Whenever we hear about fake money there is a question arises ‘What actually is Fake Money?’ So, Fake money is of two types. The first one is money which is used for purpose of fun. It is similar to real money but with many differences. Anyone can easily catch the difference between real and fake money and identify it. Usually there are a number of differences between fake money and genuine money and some of them are, Different size of money, Differences of quality and texture of money, Different images printed on money and much more. The font and color of text is very important in the identification of fake money. The number printed on fake money mainly has a difference with real money. There must be a text on fake money according to which it is clearly stated that the money is fake.
The other type of fake money is counterfeit money. Sometimes fake money has manufactured with such techniques that can easily make people fool. Such type of money is known as counterfeit money. Counterfeit money is a type of fake money that is used as genuine money. The use of counterfeit money is not allowed. Many people try to use this type of fake money with bad intentions although it is not allowed.
Fake money is not allowed to pay for any goods or services as real money. According to the legal rules if any person found guilty in misusing fake money he/she will surely has to face the music. Sometimes fake money has manufactured with such techniques that can easily make people fool. Such type of money is known as counterfeit money. Counterfeit money is a type of fake money that is used as genuine money. The use of counterfeit money is not allowed.
There are number of retailers that are having fake money for sale as it is a source of joy for ones and for others. Fake money can also be presented as gift to kids and to the person having fond of it. Fake money has always been a point of attraction for children. It has been used with multiple toys and products to attract kids. To make them more attractive, sellers usually print different designs on fake money. You can easily find fake money for sale at multiple toys and gift shops.
In this electronic era, where everything is available online there are many famous online merchants having fake money as a product for sale. Open sale of fake money proves that it is not a source of harm for anyone although it is a source of fun or joy. Ebay and Amazon are among few of the famous online websites engage in selling fake money as toys. Fake money is available in almost all currency. There is no boundary to use fake money of any currency if you are using it only for fun. Although it is a source of fun and harm at the same time.
David Cowell is author of this article on Counterfeit money. Find more information about counterfeit